Member since Dec 29, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Dmitri Ruwan Gunasena on 12/29/2013 at 5:46 AM
    I really dont know what kind of retarded man or woman wrote that comment about homosexuality being a lifestyle.You are the kind of people that lead gay teens to suicide,you are the kind of people that fuel hatred.Noone is trying to convert anybody and these cartoons are not for children,they are for young adults who know the difference between who they are and what they see.If your lifestyle is normal and so many gay people are harmful why dont you tell your straiht community to stop dumping so many of theyre kid sin orphanages when gay people are fighting to have good homes and have statistically been proven to give kids better homes.You believe in god?god would be ashamed of your hatred!how do you even go to church you biggot!Our nations doomed cause of gay people?haha, try looking in the mirror.SHAMEFUL!