Member since Nov 28, 2009


  • Posted by:
    divyalovesderby on 11/28/2009 at 2:10 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    This was rather appalling to read. I really dislike your opinions. Graffiti shouldn't be a problem. I think there are much bigger problems to address in Tucson. One being education. The youth of Arizona are not challenged in the classrooms and one might say that this has an effect on what the students are doing with their free time. I, as a 16-year old female high school student, feel that the government spends way too much time on the "negative" aspects of our society that will not be changed any time soon. Also, if it wants graffiti to be lessened, it would look for the root of the problem instead of taking the seemingly easy route. I am ashamed that my city, state, and country can't deal with such petty internal problems and get so caught up in them. I hope this changes soon, but it won't if the powerful don't get over themselves.
  • Posted by:
    divyalovesderby on 11/28/2009 at 1:35 PM
    Graffiti is an extremely underappreciated art form. I laud Tucson Weekly for their continuing coverage of underground culture. One must not see it as just a crime. Art is much more natural than law. It must be considered and viewed with unbiased eyes, as is everything in nature.

    Love more.