Oh, youth, when you fall in love and lie to your girlfriend about your wife and then hire thugs to throw acid in your girlfriends face. Good times, good times. And its all recounted in Crazy Love, the story of psychopathic attorney Burton Pugach and his special gentle feelings of chemically unbalanced obsession for Linda Riss. This documentary follows Riss and Pugach from the late 1950s to the present, as they go through all the standard trials and tribulations of a couple who must deal with difficult life issues, like, Why did I marry a guy who threw acid in my face? and, Why isnt Burt Pugach in jail for the rest of his life? Great musicblues and R&Bhighlights the difficult issues involved, and the leads give some extremely weird and disturbing interviews. Its not a perfect film, as it suffers from a slow middle-third and some cheesy effects, but the story carries it, and the final segment is deeply disturbing and worthwhile.