Member since Dec 2, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Copperhead on 12/02/2009 at 1:57 PM
    Jesse, you take a stand about 10.2% unemployment and lack of economic stimulus and then pull the "clueless" card when it comes to Rosemont......come on. Oddly enough, you are intentionally playing politics here when you claim to not be a professional politician. This is the only major economic stimulus and tax base project on the table or even proposed in the next 1-3+ years, will provide 400 direct jobs and another 1000+ indirect jobs, and pump $750 million a year into the economy. And you claim you know nothing about it???? With all due respect, you are not telling the truth. Also, no matter what some fringe group of enviro-extremists (STSSR) thinks, you are supposed to be concerend with the well being of a majority of your contstitutents. The majority of us want good wage/good benefit, stable jobs that stimulate our economy and provide solid tax bases.

    We are tired of the transient economy know as of all people should know that it is not working. Stand up for your potential constitutents and throw your support behind this project. It is the right thing to do, and I for one am very disappointed to see you more worried about culling votes than helping the economy of this area out.