A nasty beast attacks New York City, and we get to watch the melee through a handheld video camera. The premise is that a tape has been found after some sort of apocalypse, and were watching it. The effect makes you feel like youre with a small group of people who are running from the monster and the parasites it gives off. The monster is only seen in short, obscured bursts (for the most part); not knowing what is attacking you adds to the creepy effect. It is scary fun, but a bit shaky (physically). If you are prone to motion sickness, you may have a hard time. Director Matt Reeves and producer J.J. Abrams (the man responsible for Lost and all of its mystery and mythology) reveal nothing obvious about the monsters origins. This makes perfect sense, because the group getting chased knows nothing other than something big is making mayhem. The movie is fun, but its definitely not for everybody.