This is the third film in a series by director Cedric Klapisch that includes L’Auberge Espagnole (2002) and Russian Dolls (2005) It gives us the continuing adventures of Xavier (Romain Duris) nine years after his last screen appearance. When Xavier’s wife Wendy (Kelly Reilly) leaves him, he chooses to follow her to New York to be near his kids, and must make some severe adjustments. Audrey Tautou shows up as a former lover who conveniently has business in New York, and the already fun movie really lights up whenever she is around. Xavier fathers a child for his lesbian friend (Cecille De France), gets an apartment in Chinatown where he holds imaginary conversations with German philosophers (the lamest thing in the movie) and gets a job as a bike messenger. This is the sort of film that would come off as completely vapid were it produced in the U.S. with the likes of Zac Efron and Cameron Diaz in the leads. It’s mindless, fluffy stuff, but it’s given a little heft thanks to Klapisch’s solid direction and the likeability of Duris.