Children of Men

Civilization is in the throes of endgame with director Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men, a 100 percent bleak outlook regarding future times. Cuarón’s nightmarish vision of the future (based on the novel by P.D. James) sees a world overrun by military governments, a world where women are unable to have babies. The film opens in the year 2027, when activist-turned-civil-servant Theodore Faron (Clive Owen) is making a routine stop for a cup of coffee. As he pauses outside to mix his cup of joe, a bomb destroys the building he just left. Shaken and dazed, he walks through the carnage, which includes a woman holding her severed arm; he probably wishes he had brewed at home. The story then follows Owen’s character as he finds himself protecting the first pregnant woman in 18 years. Owen gives a first-rate performance here, and the visual style of the movie is fantastic. There are a couple of small flaws (including the dopey wig that Michael Caine wears), but the movie certainly makes you think and has the capability of scaring the crap out of you.

Children of Men is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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