I would like to tell you that this lousy film is the final shitty torture movie of 2007, but Saw IV is on the way later this year, so the hell seemingly never ends. Elisha Cuthbert stars as a model who drinks a spiked apple martini and winds up trapped in somebodys basement. (The story of my life!) While there, her captor makes her shoot her own dog and drink a bloody shake made out of ground-up human eyeballs and ears. Nice. She soon discovers that theres another prisoner (Daniel Gillies) in a cell next to hers, and the two have a love affair. The film thinks its clever with some of its twists and turns, but those of you whove endured junk films like this will probably see them coming. This swill was directed by Roland Joffé, nominated for Oscars twice in the past (The Mission and The Killing Fields). Oh, how the mighty have fallen.