Member since Aug 9, 2016


  • Posted by:
    BHwines66 on 08/09/2016 at 9:34 AM
    Debra- your source is very questionable, a pro-charter website: "We believe that education is not one-size-fits-all and that every family deserves to choose from a range of schools to find the right fit for their children, including high quality charter schools."

    The facts are that charters do take away money from public schools, especially here in AZ where the laws and regulations are very pro-charter. Funding is per pupil and based on current year enrollment. Therefore, if a public school loses kids to a charter, their funding is decreased. Alone, this should not be a big issue, but coupled with the relaxed requirements charters receive, can greatly impact public schools. Charters are not required to provide transportation, certified teachers or special education services that public schools are. Amazingly, these extra requirements of public schools are not free. Charters are anything but "inclusive", with many students being "pushed out" for everything from low test scores to special education needs. Public schools take ALL children.