Best Of Tucson®

Best Women's Fashions


735 N. Fourth Ave.

READERS' PICK: Young, hip, urban designs and accessories are the order of the day here, with an inventory that expanded in 1999 to include shoes and select men's clothing. This small, airy salon of pop and haute couture at the north end of Fourth Avenue has long been the only local purveyor of Custo, a distinctive Barcelona designer. But Zoe has loosened up this year--literally, with clothes sized to fit all--newly carrying ultra-cool casual threads by DDC Lab and Mooks (for men and women), as well as Cosabella lingerie, and skirts, dresses and blouses by Paris-based Sharagano. A wall of sunglasses, Storm of London watches, and a variety of affordable earrings, necklaces and bracelets by local artists further make Zoe a one-stop shop for fashions you won't find anywhere else in town. It's perfect for aesthetes aged 15 to 40.

READERS' POLL RUNNER-UP: Maya Palace, 6332 E. Broadway Blvd.; 2960 N. Swan Road. Absolute best local commercials on TV: Women who look like women (and not like Calista Flockhart), and clothing that looks like clothing. What a concept. Maya Palace has that special dress, that perfect ensemble, that one-of-a-kind outfit you won't find anywhere else in town. The staff is professional, the selection spectacular, and the satisfaction absolutely guaranteed.

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