2905 E. Speedway Blvd.
In an age of Netflix and googling "Watch movie online free," of viewing movies on our cell phones and wondering how much longer we should hold on to our DVD collections, video stores are almost completely obsolete. But, in the middle of the Old Pueblo stands one video store to rule them all, possibly the only thing keeping video stores on the "endangered species" list, not the "extinct" list. And it's with good reason. Grab a free bag of popcorn and sip on a local microbrew as you stroll through aisles upon aisles of every genre imaginable. Be sure to check out the charmingly specific sections, like all of the Oscar winners and nominees from 1978, the wacky exploitation films or all of the Czech horror.
Runners up:
2. Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
3. Zia Records