Best Of Tucson®

Best Sports Bar

Famous Sam's

Reader's Pick: This is the 21st century version of Yogi Bera's old line, "Nobody goes there anymore- it's too crowded." Mention Famous Sam's to some people and you'll elicit an audible groan. But go into one on any given Sunday during the NFL season and just try to find a seat. And really, what's not to like? They've got monster sandwiches, spectacular fries and cold beverages. Plus, there are requisite giant TVs all over the place. Isn't that the definition of a sports bar?

Of Mythic Proportions: Another secret revealed, though this should be the best place to watch (most) games. That's right Gus and Andy's, 2000 N. Oracle Road. Don't let the fact that Andy once rode a horse into the joint deter you. Here you can watch the game- UA basketball and football, March Madness, NBA playoffs, the Stanley Cup, the Master's and the U.S. Open- in peace without slobbering know-it-alls. The big-screen television on the north end of the bar is all you need. And this ain't bar food. It's real and it's good. Hope we didn't blow it. Just don't plan on NFL football because the place is closed on Sundays. The boys gotta have time for golf and poker.

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