Best Of Tucson®

Best Radio Personality

Frank, The World-Famous Frank Show

Since we don't tend to listen to "morning zoo" programs, we were counting on a show entitled The World Famous Frank Show to have some sort of Web presence. Frank is online, if you count "Under Construction: guess you'll have to go back to searching for porn" as such. Regardless, Frank, world famous or no, has managed to be a regular part of many a Tucsonan's daily routine for nigh a decade, first as part of John and Frank and now as host of his eponymous, "ribald" morning program. We'll admit, we don't tend to listen to ol' Frank that often, but sometimes, just sometimes, we'll emit a mordant chuckle on the way to work--some "exploding toilet" story will nudge our funnybone just right. Here's to you, Frank, and your whole "Frank" thing, whatever the hell that means.

Runners up:

2. Kidd Squidd, KXCI 91.3 FM
3. Johnjay and Rich, KRQQ 93.7 FM

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