Best Of Tucson®

Best Place For Budding Hollys

The Children's Guitar Program

Allegro Guitar Studio

STAFF PICK: This comprehensive guitar instruction program for Tucson children ages 5 to 12 is the brainchild of former University of Arizona guitar graduate students Josh Brown and Jeff McKee. In January of 1999, they began instructing elementary school-aged children to read music, tune their own guitars, sit up properly in their little chairs, and play simple, classical guitar compositions. The program has taken off beautifully, and now these two teachers share some 70 students citywide. They have recorded two instructional CDs, written their own handbook, and are presently building a website ( They hold student recitals to demonstrate the students' progress to the proud families, and teacher recitals to expose the aforementioned students and their families to live performances of classical guitar pieces. The program also boasts a CD lending library, and ensemble music for those students interested in participating in guitar ensemble or guitar orchestra. Who says that the term youth culture is an oxymoron?