Best Of Tucson®

Best Outdoor Seating


After a long afternoon of browsing the racks at Anthro, BCBG and Lucy, what's a girl (or shopping-friendly boy) to do except head across the La Encantada patio to NoRTH, the sophisticated restaurant and lounge created by absurdly innovative restaurateur Sam Fox? Whether you take a seat at the outdoor bar or slip into one of the padded patio chairs, it's the ideal spot to listen to a chill soundtrack and nip any feelings of buyer's remorse in the bud with a fruity frizzante and a bruschetta topped with tomato, basil and warm ricotta. Settle in after the sun has set, and you can gaze down on the twinkling lights of the Tucson valley like you're the queen (or king) of the hill.

Runners up:

2. Blue Willow, 2616 N. Campbell Ave., 327-7577,

3. Old Pueblo Grille, 60 N. Alvernon Way, 326-6000, Old Pueblo Web site

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