Call him the Frank Capra of public art. Equally well-known nowadays for his advocacy of light rail, Steve Farley won the enduring affection of Tucson with his Broadway mural, his first-ever public art commission. Fastened onto a wall in a downtown underpass, this populist mural in black-and-white tile celebrates the little guy. Farley began the project by collecting photos made by a street photographer on Congress Street from the 1930s to the 1960s. "Snapped on the street," these pictures captured ordinary Tucsonans going about their business: pretty girls grinning, young men loping along, the elderly stepping carefully ahead. Farley translated their forgotten faces into ceramic tile, and gave their unsung owners a permanent place of honor downtown.
Runners up:
2. Stone Curves, North Stone Avenue
3. Access Tucson, 124 E. Broadway Blvd.