Best Of Tucson®

Best Men's Fashions (locally owned)


Vampires luckily begin their undead existence in natty threads, all dressed up for their funerals. Zombies, on the other hand, tend to be a come-as-you-are bunch. They'd look a lot less like the living dead if they'd lurch over to Franklin's and slip into some Zanella slacks and a Canelli jacket, or maybe take on the classic lines of a Samuelsohn suit. The sales staff will helpfully deter clients from the dull and ordinary (white shirts, brown pants) without draping them in something that's going to be fashionable for only about 15 minutes. One trip to Franklin's, and you'll look great--and you'll blend in with men in finance, national politicians and those in other fields favored by reanimated, soulless ghouls.

Runners up:

2. TIE

Buffalo Exchange, 2001 E. Speedway Blvd., 795-0508; 6170 E. Speedway Blvd., 885-8392;

Landmark Clothing and Shoes, 876 E. University Blvd., 622-3706

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