Best Of Tucson®

Best Fine Art Gallery

Etherton Gallery

Like Sigourney Weaver, Harrison Ford and other actors of a certain age, Etherton just keeps getting better as it gets older. Now entering its 24th season, Tucson's favorite contemporary art gallery also has a national rep for photography. Proprietor Terry Etherton skillfully balances painting and sculpture exhibitions with shows of vintage and cutting-edge photography. In the last year, Nancy Tokar Miller's wonderfully translucent paintings shared the sleek downtown space with Sally Gall's mysterious cave photographs. Painters Cynthia Miller and Gail Marcus-Orlen took radically different-but colorful-new approaches to still life. Jock Sturges, best known for nudes, this season startled viewers with radiant photos of young Irish girls, all of them fully clothed.

Runners up:

2. TIE:
  • Davis Dominguez, 154 E. Sixth St., 629-9759
  • Madaras Gallery, 1535 E. Broadway Blvd., 623-4000; 3001 E. Skyline Drive, No. 101, 615-3001
Sign of the impending apocalypse: Pima Air and Space Museum, one vote
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