Oxford English Dictionary defines
gadabout as an "idle pleasure seeker." Well, gird your loins, screw your courage to the sticking place and prepare to be idle to your bones. Gadabout salons, six of 'em in Tucson--one just for men--(goodbye, cowboy, hello, metrosexual!) redefines pleasure seeker, offering custom facials, manicures, pedicures, cleansings, exfoliations, hydrations and wraps. You can get a Swedish massage, an aromatherapy massage, a Thai massage or all three. You can even get a "drench massage," guaranteed to alleviate the dreaded desert pucker (you know what I'm talking about, gals). They've even "Extreme Services" for men, which I'm sure are harmless, since this isn't Nevada, as well as "Executive Services."
Runners up:
2. Miraval Resort, 5000 E. Via Estancia Miraval, 825-4000
3. Elizabeth Arden Red Door Salon and Spa, Westin La Paloma Resort, 3666 E. Sunrise Drive, 742-7866