STAFF PICK: Even without his bands, former Beyond Seven and Instant Martians guitarist Rocco DiGrazia still manages to rock the Old Pueblo, this time with his fully amped and authentic Chicago-style pizza. Hailing from a Chicago suburb, DiGrazia's no novice to the genre -- his pie's as big as a wading pool, with two crusts (one on top), lots of cheese, and a toothsome sauce simmered long and slow. Order the toppings you like best, or go for one of the specialty pizzas like the Heart Attack (a meaty melange of sausage, pepperoni, proscuitto, roast beef and extra cheese) or Fungus Humongous (a medley of portabello and white mushrooms). Rocco's also offers a square-cut, thin-crust pizza to make you swoon, as well as estimable sandwiches and salads. We particularly adore the grilled portabello mushroom sandwich, awash in Lefty's zippy vinaigrette, ordered off-menu style with grilled onions and peppers (in lieu of the standard tomatoes and lettuce). It's garlicky enough to warrant packing a tin of curiously strong mints. As you pull in, check out Rocco in the window; he's the one with the canvas hat and glasses, rockin' and rolling out pies for the masses.