Best Of Tucson®

Best Block Of Used Furniture

Grant and Country Club Roads

STAFF PICK: What is the phenomenon that causes like establishments to aggregate in a single area? If there's a peculiar atomic force that generates the attraction of similar stores, it might explain this particular part of Tucson. Grant Road, extending in either direction of Country Club Road, boasts about half a square mile of used furniture and nominal antique stores. This makes it pretty handy when you're shopping for that particular item outside the current vogue, or when frankly you just don't feel like spending the kind of money new furniture demands.

These are not galleries we're talking about: most of them optimize use of space by simply packing, stacking and stock-piling as much stuff within four walls as they possibly can. This does not allow much room for trifling concerns like actually being able to walk through the store, but with a GPS and a head for puzzles, you should be able to find your way around with few difficulties.

There isn't a serious market for the retailing of shabby furniture, so you're not going to have to pick your way through a lot of rubbish. What ends up in these places is at least usable and often pristine; allowing you to drop a large part of your furniture budget from the range of thousands to mere hundreds and maybe even tens.

More importantly, cruising this area somehow gets those creative juices flowing. For starters, you'll be hard pressed to find two of anything. And if you've never been unexpectedly confronted by a collection of antique telephones -- whittled from the purest Bakelite by skilled craftsmen -- you don't know what you're missing. Cruise Grant Road, and you'll come up with a whole new perspective on what a room should look like.