B-Sides: TTNG


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You could go the obvious route when releasing a summer album and try to play up to people wanting to party, chill at the beach or whatever else people do during precious time off when the sun is out in full force. Yeah, you could do that or you could go the route of indie math rockers TTNG (f.k.a. This Town Needs Guns) and stick to nautical themes, but without the sunny optimism. Earlier this month, TTNG released Disappointment Island, the first record they've put out since becoming a three-piece. With vocals semi-reminiscent to emo magnate Chris Conley but backed by dizzying, dreamy guitar-plucked melody and several tempo changes, the release is certainly nostalgic in some ways, but unique in others. By the album's second song, you're asked, "Is this a deep enough depression?" which almost immediately reaffirms the band's morose album title.

TTNG performs live at Club Congress (311 E. Congress St.) on Tuesday, July 26. The show kicks off at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 at the door or $13 in advance, which can be found online, along with more information at hotelcongress.com. It is a 16 and up event.