Member since Jan 5, 2010


  • Posted by:
    azs1 on 01/05/2010 at 5:09 PM
    Re: “Hidden Agenda?
    Not a Genocide??? What exactly happened to the 1.5 million Armenians (including elders, women and children) then? Did they just starve and kill themselves for the fun of it? It was a "final solution" by the Young Turk regime. What happened to the millions of other Christians in Asia Minor (Turkey)? Many Greek Priests, Bishops and Patriarchs were murdered at the hands of first in the name of Islam and then in the name of "secularism". Turkey is the longest running dictatorship in the history modern man, 95 years. Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey whose image is emblazoned EVERYWHERE you go in Turkey, like Mao was in China or Saddam in Iraq, and embedded into the minds of all Turkish citizens and the "Father of all Turks" was an alcoholic and a pedophile who created the modern Turkish state by proclaiming secularism above the theocratic Islamic norm. Yet at the same time Ataturk systematically ignored international treaties (as today's Turks still do; see "Cyprus conflict", "Lausanne Treaty") and ethnically and religiously cleansed the present day, modern 99% Muslim Turkish state of the millions of indigenous Anatolian peoples who have lived there for millenia before the Mongol Turks ever left the steppes of Central Asia to pillage, rape and conquer their way into the hearts (sarcasm) of the Christian Europeans. There is no such thing as a "democratic" Islamic nation. Islamic nations are either Kingdoms (as Saudi Arabia) or Theocracies (as Iran) or at war against non-Muslims (see nearly every other Islamic nation). Muslims have found an ingenious way of undermining the democratic ideals in tolerant Europe. That is by going to a predominately Christian nation, especially the European nations who typically have low birthrates below 2%...and they emigrate and multiply with 6+ kids per family to change the demographics and to ultimately Islamicize the continent. Going back to Turkey, there is an internal struggle currently between the secularists (who supposedly have constitutional backing) and the Islamists (who run the country and proclaim 99% of the population). Since they lost WWI and after the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire, the modern Turkish state was supposed to be a "bridge" between the East and the West, but in fact it is nothing of the sort. In the latest news broadcast on 60 Minutes there is a compelling story of the plight of the Christian Orthodox Patriarch and the intolerant, attitude towards all Christians in Turkey (see: 1955 Istanbul Pogroms). Turks want us to accept them while in their own country they murder and persecute Christians. It is simply a paranoid, denialist culture who for centuries have taken the lands and cities of the Armenians and Greeks and other indigenous peoples and claim all their legacies as their own (Turkish). Turks are still bullying all their neighbors in the Balkans and Mediterranean region by building up a HUGE military (with the US selling billions in arms to them) while their Turkish people flee the 3rd world conditions to overflow and overburden the EU nations and their social/welfare systems with their masses and poverty. All this while the Turkish state claims to be a "superpower" and "regional power" and brags about her military superiority. I would not contribute a single dime to anything Turk related. Please, let us not forget history lest we are doomed to repeat it.
  • Posted by:
    azs1 on 01/05/2010 at 4:04 PM
    Re: “Hidden Agenda?
    Whirling dervish, anyone?
  • Posted by:
    azs1 on 01/05/2010 at 4:03 PM
    Re: “Hidden Agenda?
    One thing is for sure...Turkey's version of history is definitely different from the USA's.