Member since Nov 4, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Ann Coghlan on 11/04/2015 at 5:02 PM
    Jobs pay nothing in this state! We are already strapped for cash! Ask the big corporations to fund the road projects. They use them for their business. Start taxing rich people! Years ago top earners were taxed at 90%. That's how our infrastructure was built to begin with. Further taxpayers have no guarantee the borrowed money will be used for projects approved by voters. There is too much coruption and fraud in the system to trust politicians with almost a billion dollars. The bond proposals looked like a Christmas wish list on steroids. Are the politicians that clueless as to what it is like to work two, three jobs and still not have enough money to pay everyday bills and buy food? The politicians are much too insulated to be able to connect with the people. Their only connections are with their rich backers.The Emperors have no clothes.