Member since Sep 8, 2009


  • Posted by:
    American217 on 09/08/2009 at 8:43 AM
    Fat, greasy, middle-aged, rich, white guys???? Assault weapons??? I take it you are a weak, chaulky, immature, unemployed, anti-white? You speak about racism, yet you are the one using "white guys" with a negative over-tone. I assure you that I am patriotic and an American! I do not believe that socialism works and I do not believe that people that make more money should pay a higher percentage in income taxes. If you went to college and worked hard and got a 4.0 grade point average, and a friend of yours partied and stayed out late and didn't study was getting a 2.0 grade point average, would you like it if someone said..."It is only fair that since you have a 4.0 GPA and your friend has a 2.0 GPA, you have to take a 1 point GPA reduction so that you and your friend can both have a 3.0 GPA!" Even if the other person was working hard and struggling...wouldn't it be better to take the time to tutor them rather than just give them the extra GPA credit? Same concept!

    I believe that the move toward socialism is not good for America. I believe that Obama is making a push to get as many radical changes passed before THE PEOPLE can fully understand them. There have been too many laws passed that create a larger government and require more tax dollars! There are countless agencies and laws on the books that drain from the real focus on America! Real leadership requires fiscal responsibility and keeping things managable.

    I don't believe that people that disagree with Obama should be made out to be "racist", "unpatriotic", or "unAmerican."

    For these and many other reasons, it should always be a parent's right to decide what influences they allow their children to have. You must not have children, or you would embrace this concept. I don't think that the teachers are hiding under the desks like kicked puppies. They are respecting the wishes of the most important teachers of our youth...the parents!