Member since Mar 30, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Amaany on 03/30/2016 at 10:09 PM
    Saying that he deserved it is parallel to the notion that a woman deserves to be raped because she is wearing a short skirt. He didn't ask for this. Trump, without a doubt, sets a tone.

    And the fact that you can sarcastically mention the Black Lives Matter movement like it's a fucking joke or a tool used by the minorities when it suits them best is disheartening.

    For a long time I laughed at this whole Trump mess. I laughed hard. And then I became quiet and in shock. Then cautious. Then angry. Now I am be-fucking-wildered. How is this happening? How can we stand by and watch? Or sit behind a screen and make wild comments and accusations and lose our goddamn empathy and our humanity.

    Wake up.

    Proud of you Bryan, so fucking proud.