Member since Feb 19, 2013



  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 12/05/2020 at 12:01 AM
    Regarding "Welcome to the Soviet Union" above: Nope to the clueless post. The anti-maskers and others are extending the end date of damage and punishment.
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 11/23/2020 at 4:17 PM
    Thanks for updating the Presidio entry this month (November 2020)--regarding my post above.
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 11/12/2020 at 8:01 PM
    Language note on paragraph 5: The armed protestors had not "stormed the vote-counting facility"--The fear [from sane people] was that that they would try it--to force their way inside.
    The protestors, even armed, fortunately were deterred either by some sense of good behavior--and the cops who faced them down, or by being weak, not even up to the standards of of European soccer hooligans, who would not have needed firearms to feel bold.
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 10/08/2020 at 11:22 PM
    As a politician and representative, Mark Kelly seems adequate [I disagree with his gun-control measures.], while Martha McSally chose to be a political hack--a party apparatchik, so more like a fellow-traveler than most progressives. [Note: Why do I disagree with Kelly's gun-control measures? Because they are not thought-out, so do represent most peoples' preference (left or right) to avoid dealing with individual or social problems. And, the measures are often so low-thought, that they help and have always helped elect people like McConnell or Trump.] Cheers!
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 09/10/2020 at 12:10 PM
    Regarding above comment from jhuppent, "experience of other nations...opening schools would reduce the risk". That is for other nations [that collect data well] where families, neighborhoods, communties and schools have been and are now practicing sufficient hygiene to keep down transmission of Covid-19. These other nations with that experience prepared for emergencies and had sufficient plans, supplies and organization so their schools had supplies and procedures in place. Those other nations are not the U.S. Neither left nor right, Democrats or Republicans (who are mostly worse) have ever really jumped those who are to blame: the public, the parents, the communities --not just their elected representatives. TUSD is a fine example.
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 06/06/2020 at 10:05 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Regarding "Never trust a communist" ad comments: Yes, the ad was cheap and misleading, but for comments Cascabel "throwback to the cold war" and Ic69hunter "bogeyman the democrats made out of Putin and Russia"--These statements really show shared thinking. Reminds me of 2016 and millions of liberals/progressives/democrats suddenly discovering and complaining about Moscow-directed information-manipulation campaigns. Big whooping surprise after decades of mostly dismissals or buy-ins to Soviet propaganda. And since 2016, millions of conservatives/rightists/republicans dismissing Russian interference as a hoax, and often mouthing memes created by troll-factories sponsored by the FSB or GRU. Revelatory, not good for America, but very united.
  • Posted by:
    Aaron Johnson on 04/22/2020 at 2:39 PM
    A few notes on moving into a more sustainable future post Covid-19, and on's 11-things-to-do:
    Yes, nb. paragraph five, do be wary of "too good to be true" stories", and teach how to be wary. list of 11 actions:
    1) Go plant-based and compost: Yes, canned and dry-stored foods for meals, more home prep, perhaps more common meals, shared. Composting--individuals and families, practice more gardening, put time into a small garden plot--invest some time and money in a community garden if do not have a yard.
    2) Reading over Streaming...yes, but wordage here implies printed material does not emit carbon--refer back on "too good to be true"--this is silly, gets seen by political people you don't like and turned into memes on the internet. So also, practice science by jumping on and others when they publish happy thoughts that are counterproductive to reality.
    3) Support a political candidate [also see #2 above on counterproductive happy thoughts], and for "candidate you like and want to succeed" see "too good to be true" teach all people reasoning. Also, don't vote for Greens unless they are rabidly hostile to real socialism and/or oligarchy--nb. Jill Stein in Moscow also with General Flynn and Vladimir Putin--How has that worked out for enviromentalism?
    4) lemons...disinfectants, Yes, doing that with my own citrus.
    5) Switch to green power: yes, pressure utilities [I've seen more solar panels around Indianapolis than hear, sheeshh.] But on " too good to be true", utilities need power minimums and surge capacity for industries and the public. Also, blurb omitted reduction of use such as by heat-blocking or retention, for example shade-structures and passive makeshift solar water heaters.
    6) Share your stuff if you can--yes, do it.
    7) Take stock and make stock--yes, but is it worth the time and energy?
    8) Volunteer for Earth Day--yes, advocate for nuclear power, especially to emulate France's centralized system for long-term energy security, safety and maintenance.
    9) Do an eco-friendly activity--no matter your age-- Research these, could add some.
    10) Start a garden exchange--Yes! Also, buy into a CSA (community supported agriculture). I will be passing around my peach harvest.
    11) Keep your body moving--Yes! Exercise daily--at least a walk with weights; No gym?--Do six-count burpees. Are you a hunter?--Switch from firearms, and train with atlatl or boar-spear--and practice walking/running down animals to exhaustion.