Member since Feb 22, 2017



  • Posted by:
    Golda Velez on 10/22/2018 at 6:47 PM
    Thank you Holly Lyon! How about we fund education by cutting the prison budgets and reforming the laws to save money? Even our Pima County Sheriff is for increased use of ankle monitors and other simple, cost-saving devices. We spend $ 1.7 Billion yearly on prisons. $25K per inmate per year. What if we educated our kids better instead? It is much cheaper! We need reasonable people like Ms Lyon to bring sanity to our state!
  • Posted by:
    Golda Velez on 10/18/2018 at 8:04 AM
    Re: “Mailbag
    The PEOPLE of Saudi Arabia, yes - but the government that murders journalists, NO. Please read Khashouggi's last article in the Washington Post, it is so poignant - he talks about the need for free press and freedom of expression in the Arab world, and how it is suppressed violently in most countries including Saudi Arabia. Then he was killed for his free expression.

    And - it is also beyond disgusting that the "president" of the United States of America wants to go through with his arms sale and disregard this vicious murder - Jamal Khashoggi was dismembered alive. There is clear evidence this is linked to MBR - crown prince. The GOP is complicit in allowing dictators to get away with murder. Please vote them all out, and lets stand up together for human rights everywhere.