Member since Jan 11, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Jo Vargas on 01/11/2016 at 4:24 PM
    Blaming illegals is a scapegoat technique to avoid looking at the real problem. If Arizona is to compete in the national and global economies it needs a well educated and innovative workforce. I have two daughters in public school and they almost never have homework even though they are pulling As and Bs and I have witnessed on several occasions the absolute exhaustion of the teachers. They have huge classrooms and no resources. I have to send kleenex and hand sanitizer for the classroom because there is no funding for these vital items in an elementary school. Without breaking the cycle of poor education we will never break the cycle of impoverished generations. The school bus they ride on is down right dangerous and must be from the 1970s. The bus drivers even look over worked and stressed out. They always come home starving and saying the cafeteria always serves the same thing. My one daughter has not eaten pizza in months at home because she says its all they are served. They also tell me the milk is always warm. The first class of every day ECAP is a waste of an hour. That is a disgrace, the future of this state deserves better!