Member since Nov 20, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Elise Paradis Gohlke on 11/20/2015 at 6:57 PM
    If cross-pollination across disciplines can be said to give life, texture and increased opportunity for innovation to the University experience, then Joshua Chuang was the ideal Chief Curator for the CCP. He had the dance majors choreographing in the galleries, the astronomers collaborating on text for "Astronomical" and Tucson's greater community of photographers and collectors, artists and students, packing the auditorium for gallery talks and lectures. It is worth noting that "The Pure Products of America Go Crazy", Chuang's last show before "Lives of Pictures," traveled from the CCP to the Pratt Institute in New York, and garnered the No. 2 spot on 'Surface' magazine's list of the Top Seven Happenings in Art, Design, and Beyond.