Member since Apr 29, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Bryan Fryer on 04/29/2014 at 2:13 AM
    Bogus arguments for Tucson ethnic studies finally debunked

    24 comments by Doug MacEachern, columnist - Mar. 6, 2011 12:00 AM
    The Arizona Republic

    The unsupportable claim that the ethnic-studies classes of Tucson Unified School District somehow improve the academic performance of its students has survived a slew of critics.

    But now, the district's own statisticians have - finally - examined the claims and found them lacking. Can the true believers ignore the district's own findings, too?

    In response to a request for information from newly elected TUSD board member Michael Hicks, the district's statistician, David Scott, ran empirical data in February on some of the central tenets about academic performance by ethnic-studies students.

    Sources in Tucson provided the results of Scott's analysis to me. Among other conclusions, he found:

    - Passing AIMS: Students who "take one or more Mexican American Studies (MAS) classes are far less likely than other students to pass the (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) the first time." Scott found that, "after all five test opportunities," MAS students "achieve roughly the same passing rate" as their peers who took no ethnic-studies courses. This is in profound contravention of the claims that ethnic-studies students are superior to their peers at passing AIMS.

    - Claims of superior graduation rates: Considering the entire 2010 cohort of seniors, 83 percent of TUSD students graduated in four years. "This is true for students who did and did not take MAS classes."

    Scott did find that students from the lowest-income families who take MAS classes graduate at higher rates than poor students who did not take MAS classes. Scott calls the effect of taking MAS classes a "substantial boost" for those poorest students.

    But even their graduation figure, 79 percent, is dramatically lower than the 97 percent graduation rate that ethnic-studies directors repeatedly claim. And it might also be the result of students replacing tough, traditional history and English courses with undemanding, virtually failure-free ethnic-studies classes.

    - Going on to college: Based on the district's survey of graduating seniors, Scott found "roughly the same proportion of MAS and non-MAS students intend to enroll in college after high-school graduation."

    Scott acknowledged that some of the data available to him was sketchy, but even that observation raises red flags about the district's sensational claims about its ethnic-studies program. No one in the district ever cross-checked the data presented by program director Augustine Romero in the so-called "nine cohort studies" he produced several years ago because no one has ever seen the data!

    Wrote Scott in a Feb. 23 e-mail report to the administrative aide of TUSD Superintendent John Pedicone:

    "I have never seen the specific data used by the Mexican American Studies staff to make claims of superior graduation and higher education participation rates. You might want to check with them to see if they can provide the information themselves."

    Scott has a solid reputation in the small circle of school-district statisticians. But will advocates ignore his findings, too?

    They are trying. Judy Burns, a member of the TUSD governing board, declined to comment to me about the Scott memo, other than to say that the director of the MAS program, Sean Arce, had not yet reviewed Scott's findings.

    At least Pedicone, the district's newly appointed superintendent, told me on Friday that his office is "looking at this ourselves," an indication the issue has caught the district's attention at last. The superintendent said he has instructed his statisticians to work with the ethnic-studies directors to produce accurate data. That would be progress.

    The program's true believers, including many in the national media, have ignored for years findings that the central claims of TUSD's ethnic-studies program are false. There's no reason to presume they will stop now.

    The state Department of Education has analyzed the claims and found them baseless. National education experts have poked myriad holes in the contentions. No peer-reviewed, academically valid research ever has found that politically inspired, race-based courses cause students to take their studies more seriously and go to college.

    But clinging to the folklore is crucial. The claims are the only meaningful rationale for the controversial program's existence. Minus the fantasy of stunningly improved standardized test scores, astonishing leaps in graduation rates and amazing improvement in traditional courses, the program collapses into its true self: a politically leftist recruitment program that subtracts from the academic value of students' education.

    And, so, its supporters keep drinking the program's Kool-Aid. Late last year, the TUSD governing board issued a resolution declaring its devotion to the program, in part recognizing that: "The students that partake in its Ethnic Studies courses, as proven by test results, are more likely to pass the Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) exam than those students who do not partake in said courses; have a 97 percent graduation rate, and have a college matriculation rate 193 percent greater than the national average."

    Can those sorts of wild claims survive an admission by the school district itself that the courses change virtually nothing? Don't bet against these guys.

    Read more:
  • Posted by:
    Bryan Fryer on 04/29/2014 at 2:13 AM
    "Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over." -- Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets

    "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over. We are here to stay." -- Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Councilman

    "We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it!" -- Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas

    "Remember 187-proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California." - Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party

    "We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . . I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, 'I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back.'" -- Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor

    "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave." -- Mario Obledo, California
    Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton

    "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California." -- Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General

    "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos." -- Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University

    "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot." -- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico

    Note: There are Mexicans that don't feel this way, but there is an overwhelming Majority who do believe this, and they will take our country if we don't stop it now!

    Here we have a Mexican American history teacher advocating revolution against White America at the Campus of UCLA!
    The Infamous Ron Gochez

    In San Diego, the Mexican people have a park called Chicano Park, and they have all their Communist Friends Painted on the Walls, and then you see the Racist Group called the Brown Berets, then of course they raise their Mexican Flag on American Soil, and they salute it. That park they claim is now Mexican Soil, but I tell you it is the Property of the United States! This is Treason, and Mexicans are Committing Treason! America, Rise Up before we lose our Country!
    Mexican (Aztlán) Flag Raised Over San Diego - Chicano Park Day 2013

    Here is a documentary about the Mexican takeover of America, the Mexicans call this land Aztlan!

    My friends, Mexicans are taking over, and we better get serious and take it back!
  • Posted by:
    Bryan Fryer on 04/29/2014 at 12:41 AM
    "Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over." -- Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets

    "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over. We are here to stay." -- Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Councilman

    "We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it!" -- Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas

    "Remember 187-proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California." - Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party

    "We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . . I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, 'I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back.'" -- Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor

    "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave." -- Mario Obledo, California
    Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton

    "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California." -- Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General

    "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos." -- Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University

    "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot." -- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico

    Note: There are Mexicans that don't feel this way, but there is an overwhelming Majority who do believe this, and they will take our country if we don't stop it now!

    Here we have a Mexican American history teacher advocating revolution against White America at the Campus of UCLA!
    The Infamous Ron Gochez

    In San Diego, the Mexican people have a park called Chicano Park, and they have all their Communist Friends Painted on the Walls, and then you see the Racist Group called the Brown Berets, then of course they raise their Mexican Flag on American Soil, and they salute it. That park they claim is now Mexican Soil, but I tell you it is the Property of the United States! This is Treason, and Mexicans are Committing Treason! America, Rise Up before we lose our Country!
    Mexican (Aztlán) Flag Raised Over San Diego - Chicano Park Day 2013

    Here is a documentary about the Mexican takeover of America, the Mexicans call this land Aztlan!

    My friends, Mexicans are taking over, and we better get serious and take it back!
  • Posted by:
    Bryan Fryer on 04/29/2014 at 12:27 AM
    The Retaking of America-Aztlan U.S.A!

    This document that I have put together shows the
    philosophy, and Ideology that is a part of the Mexican
    American Mindset, called Chicanismo. This belief is in
    all levels of Chicano Society, and this is something
    that was hidden from the American People, and only a
    Civil War can stop, May God help us!

    This so-called Poem "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" In
    English is "Spiritual Plan of Aztlán" was written in
    1969 by Alurista, but his real name is "Alberto Baltazar
    Urista Heredia. He was born in Mexico in 1947, and he
    came to America when he was 13 years old. He is a
    Chicano poet and activist. Well, lets look at the key
    words in this truly
    Proclamation, and Chicano Manifesto!

    "Brutal Gringo" Invasion of our Territories, Northern
    Land of Aztlan,Came Our Forefathers, Reclaiming the
    Land of the Land of their Birth, and our inevitable
    "Destiny". Aztlan belongs to those who plant the
    seeds..etc..etc..."and Not to the Foreign "Europeans".
    We do not Recognize capricious frontiers on the Bronze
    Continent. Brotherhood Unites Us...Time has Come, and
    who Struggle against the Foreigner "Gabacho"...We
    Declare the Independence of our "Mestizo Nation". We are
    a Bronze people. Bronze Continent, "We are a Nation"..We
    are "Aztlan".

    This is a Chicano, or Mexican Manifesto hidden within a
    so-called poem. I don't believe this is just a poem, and
    neither do Mexicans. Next notice how the Chicanos us
    "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan" as a Manifesto, and as
    the Foundation of their Movement. "Sets the Theme that
    Chicanos must Use" Once we are committed to the idea and
    philosophy of El Plan de Aztlan, we can only conclude
    that social, economic, cultural, and political
    independence is the only road to total "liberation"!

    Notice they say, CONTROL of our Barrios, which is towns,
    and the word "Lands" the believe that the Southwest is
    their land. The Plan is so Important, it must commits
    "All Levels of Society". Our struggle then must be for
    the "control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our
    economy, our culture, and our political life". El Plan
    commits all levels of Chicano society.

    Then "Nationalism" Transcends "ALL" areas of Life.
    Next is Unity, again all levels of Societies must be
    committed to the "Liberation of La Raza" The Race!

    The next is "Economy", Economic Control..our Communities
    can only come about by "Driving the Exploiter Out" of
    our Communities. This is already happening in California
    on a large scale, areas that were White American are now
    Latin American. Look at L.A, the Blacks are being driven
    out of their neighborhoods, even by gunpoint.

    Wow, notice how they say lands rightfully our, then will
    be fought for and defended. That sounds like a
    reclaiming of lands and that they are ready to fight for
    them, that's War fellow Americans!

    "Lands rightfully ours" "will be fought for and

    The next is Education, and notice that American history
    is not included and that this Aztlan movement wants to
    "Control" the schools, and the teachers, and the
    administrators, our counselors. This is happening in
    California, and was happening in Arizona, until fellow
    Americans realized that it was Racist, and Anti-
    American, and forced it out of their school system.

    Next is INSTITUTIONS, notice they want "Restitution" for
    a Full Life, "Restitution for past economic slavery",
    Wow, Americans Never Enslaved Mexicans! Also they want
    total control of Institutions in our community, and
    those they can't control must get out!

    Next is Self-Defense, which is a good Idea, all us
    Americans should learn Self-Defense, and also have the
    Weapons to do so! Look at the words of "Front Line" and
    they are mostly referring to Gangbangers, and the
    Mexican Mafia, for it says those from the Barrios! Also
    the Protectors must be given respect and dignity! Notice
    the words "offer their responsibility and their lives",
    Wow, this is a war folks, for they are offering their
    lives to it.

    Then they say: Those who place themselves in the front
    ranks for their people do so out of love and carnalismo.
    The word Carnalismo is a Gang word which means Love for
    the Homies: its an inner attitude that a true vato has,
    full of loyalty,courage and love for his homies "Urban

    Notice how they say that "Juvenile Delinquency" will now
    be "Revolutionary Acts". This anarchy and hate is
    encouraged by M.E.CH.A, which is a Student organization,
    and it's on Colleges, and Universities across the
    Country. These M.E.CH.A students are to Proselytize, and
    Evangelize all Hispanics in their Area.

    For the very young there will no longer be acts of
    juvenile delinquency, but revolutionary acts.

    Next is Cultural, in which their culture is to Unite the
    family of "La Raza", the Race towards "Liberation", and
    they must insure that their writers, and poets, and
    musicians and artist produce literature that is
    appealing to their people and relates to their
    revolutionary culture.

    Notice "defeat the gringo dollar value system", this is
    anti-capitalism, and they are always saying "Defeat the

    Next is Political Liberation, Americans, this is a war,
    and they are trying to take over our Political Power,
    and they want to Control is all, and if we don't wake
    up, and stop worrying about being called a Racist, then
    we will take our Country Back, and push them back across
    the Border. We as a country should be tired of having
    our hands tied by Political Correctness, we need to put
    an end to this destruction of our Culture, and our
    People. We built this Country, and we bled much to get
    it, and we are going to have to bleed to keep it. Our
    Forefathers would be trippin if they saw how we were
    just giving away our country, and allowing others to
    over run us. These people want to destroy us, they don't
    want to be a part of America, NO, they want to Take it
    from us, and Destroy us for Taking it! Please Wake Up!

    "Where we are a Majority", "We will Control"; Where We
    are a Minority, we will represent a Pressure Group.

    Notice how the "El Plan" is to be presented and
    distributed at church, school, tree, building, car, and
    every place of human existence, that is every Latin
    American Existence! This view is believed by all Mexican
    Americans, and shared with all Latin Americans who are
    mostly Mestizo, or Native Blood. Sure they will accept
    White Hispanics into their Cause, and White Anglos into
    their Cause, but after they have Genocided us, then they
    will genocide these Whites when they are done with us!

    Below is the Document that the Mexicans believe and
    follow, from the Elites to the Students, then to the
    Chicano people!

    Awareness and distribution of El Plan Espiritual de
    Aztlan. Presented at every meeting, demonstration,
    confrontation, courthouse, institution, administration,
    church, school, tree, building, car, and every place of
    human existence.


    El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan In the spirit of a new
    people that is conscious not only of its proud
    historical heritage but also of the brutal "gringo"
    invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants
    and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlán from
    whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of
    their birth and consecrating the determination of our
    people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is
    our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable
    destiny. We are free and sovereign to determine those
    tasks which are justly called for by our house, our
    land, the sweat of our brows, and by our hearts. Aztlán
    belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields,
    and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans.
    We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze
    continent. Brotherhood unites us, and love for our
    brothers makes us a people whose time has come and who
    struggles against the foreigner "gabacho" who exploits
    our riches and destroys our culture. With our heart in
    our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the
    independence of our mestizo nation. We are a bronze
    people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before
    all of North America, before all our brothers in the
    bronze continent we are a nation, we are a union of free
    pueblos, we are Aztlán. Por La Raza todo. Fuera
    de La Raza nada.

    Program El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán sets the theme
    that the Chicanos (La Raza de Bronze) must use their
    nationalism as the key or common denominator for mass
    mobilization and organization. Once we are committed to
    the idea and philosophy of El Plan de Aztlán, we can
    only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and
    political independence is the only road to total
    liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism.

    Our struggle then must be for the control of our
    barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our
    culture, and our political life. El Plan commits all
    levels of Chicano society-the barrio, the campo, the
    ranchero, the writer, the teacher, the worker, the
    professional-to La Causa.

    Nationalism Nationalism as the key to organization
    transcends all religious, political, class, and economic
    factions or boundaries. Nationalism is the common
    denominator that all members of La Raza can agree upon.
    Organizational Goals 1. UNITY in the thinking of our
    people concerning the barrios, the pueblo, the campo,
    the land, the poor, the middle class, the professional -
    all committed to the liberation of La Raza.

    2. ECONOMY: economic control of our lives and our
    communities can only come about by driving the exploiter
    out of our communities, our pueblos, and our land and
    by controlling and developing our own talents, sweat and
    resources. Cultural background and values which ignore
    materialism and embrace humanism will contribute to the
    act of cooperative buying and the distribution of
    resources and production to sustain an economic base for
    healthy growth and development. Lands rightfully ours
    will be fought for and defended. Land and realty
    ownership will be acquired by the community for the
    people's welfare. Economic ties of responsibility must
    be secured by nationalism and the Chicano defense units.

    3. EDUCATION must be relative to our people, i.e.,
    history, culture, bilingual education, contributions,
    etc. Community control of our schools, our teachers, our
    administrators, our counselors, and our programs.

    4. INSTITUTIONS shall serve our people by providing the
    service necessary for a full life and their welfare on
    the basis of restitution, not handouts or beggar's
    crumbs. Restitution for past economic slavery, political
    exploitation, ethnic and cultural psychological
    destruction and denial of civil and human rights.
    Institutions In our community which do not serve the
    people have no place in the community. The institutions
    belong to the people.

    5. SELF-DEFENSE of the community must rely on the
    combined strength of the people. The front line defense
    will come from the barrios, the campos, the pueblos, and
    the ranchitos. Their involvement as protectors of their
    people will be given respect and dignity. They in turn
    offer their responsibility and their lives for their
    people. Those who place themselves in the front ranks
    for their people do so out of love and carnalismo. Those
    institutions which are fattened by our brothers to
    provide employment and political pork barrels for the
    gringo will do so only as acts of liberation and for La
    Causa. For the very young there will no longer be acts
    of juvenile delinquency, but revolutionary acts.

    6. CULTURAL values of our people strengthen our identity
    and the moral backbone of the movement. Our culture
    unites and educates the family of La Raza towards
    liberation with one heart and one mind. We must insure
    that our writers, poets, musicians, and artists produce
    literature and art that is appealing to our people and
    relates to our revolutionary culture. Our cultural
    values of life, family, and home will serve as a
    powerful weapon to defeat the gringo dollar value system
    and encourage the process of love and brotherhood.

    7. POLITICAL LIBERATION can only come through
    independent action on our part since the two-party
    system is the same animal with two heads that feed from
    the same trough. Where we are a majority, we will
    control; where we are a minority, we will represent a
    pressure group; nationally, we will represent one party:
    La Familia de La Raza!


    1. Awareness and distribution of El Plan Espiritual de
    Aztlan. Presented at every meeting, demonstration,
    confrontation, courthouse, institution, administration,
    church, school, tree, building, car, and every place of
    human existence.

    2. September 16, on the birthdate of Mexican
    Independence, a national walk-out by all Chicanos of all
    colleges and schools to be sustained until the complete
    revision of the educational system: its policy makers,
    administration, its curriculum, and Its personnel to
    meet the needs of our community.

    3. Self-defense against the occupying forces of the
    oppressors at every school, every available man, woman,
    and child.

    4. Community nationalization and organization of all
    Chicanos: El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan.

    5. Economic program to drive the exploiter out of our
    community and a welding together of our people's
    combined resources to control their own production
    through cooperative effort.

    6. Creation of an independent local, regional, and
    national political party. A nation autonomous and
    free -culturally, socially, economically, and
    politically-will make its own decisions on the usage of
    our lands, the taxation of our goods, the utilization of
    our bodies for war, the determination of justice (reward
    and punishment), and the profit of our sweat. El Plan
    de Aztlan is the plan of liberation! Aztlan.html

    Below is taken from the M.E.CH.A Website, please read
    carefully, and notice their Aztlan National belief! Can
    you believe that our Government is permitting such a
    Racist, and Anti-American organiztion to be on almost
    every College in the Country!

    Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA)the
    largest US Hispanic student organization, MECHA The
    Philosophy of MEChA Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de
    Aztlán (MEChA) is a student organization that promotes
    higher education, cultura, and historia. MEChA was
    founded on the principles of self-determination for the
    liberation of our people. We believe that political
    involvement and education is the avenue for change in
    our society.....In March of 1969, at Denver, Colorado
    the Crusade for Justice organized the National Chicano
    Youth Conference that drafted the basic premises for the
    Chicana/Chicano Movement in El Plan de Aztlán (EPA). A
    synopsis of El Plan stipulates:

    1) We are Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán reclaiming the
    land of our birth (Chicana/Chicano Nation);

    2) Aztlán belongs to indigenous people, who are
    sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture;

    3) We are a union of free pueblos forming a bronze
    (Chicana/Chicano) Nation;

    4) Chicano nationalism, as the key to mobilization and
    organization, is the common denominator to bring
    consensus to the Chicana/Chicano Movement;

    5) Cultural values strengthen our identity as La Familia
    de La Raza; and

    6) EPA, as a basic plan of Chicana/Chicano liberation,
    sought the formation of an independent national
    political party that would represent the sentiments of
    the Chicana/Chicano community......National Pride

    Recognizing that the majority of our Raza are members of
    the working class, we avow an anti-imperialist analysis
    that includes Chicana/Chicano self-determination.
    Chicano self-determination must begin with the
    recognition of what is implied in using the term MEChA
    (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán).

    Essentially, we are a Chicana and Chicano student
    movement directly linked to Aztlán. As Chicanas and
    Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of
    Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours
    by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free
    our people from the exploitation of an oppressive
    society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of
    nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions
    of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a
    Chicana/Chicano Gente........Such leadership should be
    principled and not liberal. For this reason, we cannot
    believe in unity for unity's sake since there are many
    opportunistic organizations, groups, and/or individuals
    who care only for themselves and not for our people.
    Just as we would expel FBI or CIA agent provocateurs
    from our organizations, such opportunistic
    organizations, groups, and/or individuals must be
    exposed and expelled to strengthen our Movement. philosophy.html

    Another Chicano author rights about Aztlan, and notice
    how she says "El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán" is often
    deemed a "manifesto of Chicanismo", then notice where
    she says "reclaiming the land of their birth," or the
    land annexed to the United States in the 1848 Treaty of
    Guadalupe Hidalgo. Believe me, Mexicans are taught this
    in their schools, in their churches, and in their
    meetings, and MECHA is their Proselytizing, Evangelizing
    mouth piece!

    The Rhetoric of Aztlán: HB 2281, MEChA and Liberatory
    EducationDora Ramirez-Dhoore, Boise State University
    In March 1969 at the first national Chicano Liberation
    Youth Conference hosted by the Crusade for Justice in
    Denver, Colorado, a

    young poet named Alurista read "El
    Plan Espiritual de Aztlán" which forged the ideas of
    "the bronze continent" and "Aztlán" (Anaya and Lomeli

    1). This historical document, often deemed a manifesto
    of Chicanismo, or a militant ethos1, advocated Chicano
    nationalism and self-determination for Mexican

    Americans. Today, it continues to be one of the founding
    plans of the student organization, Movimiento
    Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, or MEChA. MEChA, which
    "has been one of the more important student
    organizations to address the issue of education" (Vargas
    378), focuses on the organizational goals laid out in
    the plan, including: Unity, Economy, Education,
    Institutions, Self Defense, and Cultural and Political
    Liberation. Included in this plan is the idea of
    "reclaiming the land of their birth," or the land
    annexed to the United States in the 1848 Treaty of
    Guadalupe Hidalgo.