Member since Dec 3, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Corey Harris on 12/03/2013 at 8:29 PM
    Obviously barbara got a little too fucked up when she experienced the meet rack cause your sure as hell have gotten the tour with all that information about the meet rack.↑↑↑ Dont let this bad name I wont say↑↑↑ misinform you. The meet rack is a great establishment!! My favorite bar in Tucson!! Its has a great history, and since when my parents were young GOD has been entertaining the FUN people of Tucson. I mean come on dont be so close minded people go down and see what im talking about. I am proudly branded 3 times (all three completely willing and happy that i can always look down at them and remember the amazing times I've had there) when anyone asks for my recommendation of a bar in Tucson its the meet rack. I love the meet rack and GOD AKA Jim