Member since Oct 24, 2013


  • Posted by:
    tctw on 11/28/2023 at 5:36 AM
    Lying Tom Danehy wrote: “Instead, he has turned into Right Wing Get Off My Lawn Guy. At a recent concert, Santana stepped out of sweet guitar sounds to opine that “a woman is a woman, and a man is a man — that’s it.””

    Since you disagree with Santana why do you want to keep women from playing women’s sports?

    Lying Hypocrite Tom wrote: “But, in my opinion (formed by decades in believing in the fairness of sport), they (transgender women) do not automatically deserve to compete against ciswomen. They just don't.” (second parenthesis added)

    Why do you want to discriminate against them and turn them into second class women? If they are truly women they have the right as women to compete in women’s’ sports.

    Tom wants everyone to know he is down with the cause of Transgenderism, but when the rubber meets the road, it is a different story.

    Typical Virtue Signaling Lying Tom. Just like is proud that he won’t let his girls’ basketball teams listen to Chris Brown, but he loves, loves, loves him some notorious wife beater, incestuous pedophile Marvin Gaye music.
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 11/08/2023 at 5:19 AM
    Tom Danehy wrote: I realized early on that MTV was racist as all hell, so that left radio.
    Lying Tom Danehy doing what he does best. Lie.

    MTV was racist?

    Starting with Michael Jackson’s videos from his albums Off the Wall and Thriller, Gonna Be Starting Something, Billie Jean, Beat It, and the short film/music video Thriller, which all began airing shortly after MTV came on the air, MTV promoted African-American artists.

    MTV even had a show called Yo! MTV Raps which mainstreamed rap music not only in the U.S. but around the world. It was one of the most popular shows on the network, expanding to six days a week.

    Typical Lying Tom. He is like the politicians or other public figures who rail about homosexuality but are homosexuals themselves.

    Lying Tom’s default setting is to call everyone and everything racist, as some sort of sick attempt to cover for his own racist rants and diatribes that he has written in the Tucson Weekly.
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 05/26/2022 at 5:44 AM
    socrates2 wrote: I wonder in retrospect whether there existed a gag order of sorts for these students.

    Not really. I was in the Boy Scouts with Jim Seale, his father, Dr. Robert Seale, professor of Nuclear Engineering at the U of A for 35 years, took us on a tour of the Nuclear Engineering department, through all of the labs, and also included a stop to show us the reactor and talk about it. This was mid to late 70s. It was never a secret.

    socrates2 wrote: I ain't buying or biting till the storage problem gets licked. Till then nuclear plants remain a no-sale.

    There is no problem with the storage of spent nuclear fuel. The world has been generating power from nuclear reactors for over 65 years and there has never been any contamination, or people dying from spent nuclear fuel as far as I know. Spent nuclear fuel has been crossing the U.S. on our highways/roads since the late 1950s without an accident. That spent nuclear fuel storage is a problem is a long running fake shibboleth of the No Nukes idiots to oppose the use of nuclear power.

    Think about the lunacy of a No Nukes position. The U.S. would have to convert all of its submarines and aircraft carriers to internal combustion engines. I guess they could use solar power, wind turbines, or maybe they could get Elon Musk to create electric motors to power the ships. How many electric recharging stations would it take to get across the Pacific?

    The biggest issue is that currently the U.S. stores spent nuclear fuel in many different locations, over 70 locations in over 30 states. . We should build one place deep inside a big rock mountain, not on a fault line, to store all of the fuel. It shouldnt be too hard. The total amount of spent nuclear fuel in the U.S. since 1958 would fit on a football field about 10 yards deep.

    Also, unlike cartoons and the public imagination where spent nuclear fuel is stored in rusty leaking 55 gallon oil drums, spent nuclear fuel is a solid which means it can go into dry storage which makes leakage a non-issue.

    Another thing the U.S. should do is recycle the fuel. Other countries recycle the fuel which cuts down on the volume of the spent fuel by 30%. I dont know why we dont as well.

    The reason nuclear power is not our major source of electrical power like other countries is because of Democratic environmental wackos.
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 11/26/2021 at 7:52 AM
    A Haiku:

    Adult Tommy Boy
    Always relives JUCO ball
    It’s so pathetic
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 10/18/2021 at 3:19 AM
    Lying Tom Danehy wrote: “True mavericks would never feel the need to publicly self-identify.”

    This is Lying Tom’s attempt to stealthily express his homophobia, but anyone who is familiar with Tommy knows what he is talking about.

    His hatred for Kyrsten Sinema because of her sexuality is well documented.

    Homophobic Tom Danehy wrote to Kyrsten Sinema: “First off, enough with the bio stuff. You're bisexual? So what? I suppose some people might tell you to make up your damn mind, but as far as I can tell, the only people who care about that stuff are televangelists and porn directors. “ Tucson Weekly, 13 May 2021

    One has to wonder what Homophobic Tom would write to Senator Tammy Baldwin and Secretary Pete Buttigieg about them both self-identifying in their official government biographies.

    Tammy Baldwin

    “Tammy was elected to the U.S. Senate on November 6, 2012, winning a hard fought race and making history as Wisconsin’s first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate and the first openly gay member elected to the Senate.”

    Pete Buttigieg

    “He was confirmed by the Senate on February 2, 2021, becoming the first openly gay person confirmed to serve in a president’s Cabinet.

    Secretary Buttigieg lives with his husband Chasten and their rescue dogs, Buddy and Truman.”…

    Tom must really get wound up and grind his teeth every time Secretary Buttigieg is on TV with his husband and their new babies.

    Lying Tom wrote: “I know that it’s crazy for a layperson such as myself to try to psychoanalyze somebody, but…”

    Tom ought to turn his amateur psychiatry on himself and spend a little time in self-reflection. He will soon realize what studies have been telling us for years: homophobes, especially vocal homophobes are self-loathing latent homosexuals themselves.

    It is OK Tom. You can self-identify here.

    The Tucson Weekly community will be more accepting of you than you are of Kyrsten Sinema.
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 10/17/2021 at 4:21 PM
    Lying Tom Danehy wrote:
    “Her absurd fascination with the filibuster is allowing Senate Republicans to run out the clock on this vital legislative session…”


    “I stood up for the filibuster, an outdated and horribly misused anachronism.” (One of Tommy’s oft used tropes: make up an imagined fake quote to denigrate someone. This time Kyrsten Sinema).

    The only person who has an “absurd fascination” with the filibuster is Lying Tom when it is being used by Republicans.

    When Democrats were in the minority in the Senate in 2017, 30 of them signed a bipartisan letter to Senate leadership to preserve the filibuster stating: "This letter demonstrates that a majority of the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, can come together to protect an important tradition of the Senate that recognizes the rights of the minority and makes bipartisan legislation more likely,”

    Here are just a few of the times the Democrats used the filibuster under President Trump:

    2019 – Blocked the Pentagon budget and other spending bills.……

    2020 – They used it twice to block H.R. 748 – The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (The CARES Act).……

    2020 - Used to block S.178 - Uighur Act of 2019 – Bill to condemn and sanction China for its human rights violations against the Uighurs in Xinjiang, but it had a Coronavirus spending amendment attached and the Democrats didn’t want Republicans to get credit for Coronavirus relief before the election so they filibustered it twice.……

    2020 - Used to block S.3985 – Justice Act – Bill to improve police policies and accountability. The bill was sponsored by Tim Scott and again Democrats didn’t want Republicans to get credit for police reform before the election, so they filibustered it.…

    And on and on and on during President Trump’s term. That is just a few of the bills that actually came to vote.

    Far more bills never made it to the floor of the Senate because Democrats threatened to filibuster them.

    Where was Tom Danehy’s whining about the filibuster then?

    In Lying Tom’s world, the filibuster used to block majority Republican legislation during President Trump’s term: Good.

    The filibuster used to block Democratic legislation during President Biden’s term: Bad.

    Tommy Danehy is nothing more than a partisan political hack.
  • Posted by:
    tctw on 05/18/2021 at 6:44 PM
    Tom Danehy wrote: You're bisexual? So what? I suppose some people might tell you to make up your damn mind, but as far as I can tell, the only people who care about that stuff are televangelists and porn directors.

    There has always been an underlying latent homophobia with Tom Danehy, but for whatever reason he has decided to come out of the closet and put his homophobia on full display and make his homophobia unequivocal.

    Lying Tom wrote: Youre bisexual? So what? .. but as far as I can tell, the only people who care about that stuff are televangelists and porn directors.

    Televangelists, porn directors and Lying Tom. If Tom didnt care about it why would he bring it up? He would just ignore it, but his words belie that he does care about Kyrsten Sinemas bisexuality, and it bothers him enough that he decided to use her sexual preference as a weapon and epithet against her just because he disagrees with her.

    Lying Tom wrote: I suppose some people might tell you to make up your damn mind

    The use of the some people might say trope is used by cowards in an attempt to distance themselves from their own noxious and prejudicial beliefs.
    Tom doesnt have the intestinal fortitude to take responsibility for his homophobia, so he tried to hide behind some people.

    Just another example in the long list of why Tom Danehy is a bad human being.

    What is perplexing is this column passed some sort of editorial review at The Tucson Weekly. Which editor read this and thought it was wise to publish it?