Member since Oct 26, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Mitchell Wachtel on 10/26/2012 at 9:08 PM
    Re: “Serraglio
    Ms. Sinema is very, very likely a drunk. That's why she can tell such lies. Her brain is miswired so that it believes them. Who else do you know that has 12 guilty verdicts against them? Does not matter in the slightest what they are when you get to that many? Who else do you know who would lie about being a defense attorney? You cannot find one document on file that mentions this woman at the Maricopa County Superior Court (except of course as a defendant); every other defense attorney has dozens of records there. That's what they do, those defense attorneys. They file all sorts of documents at court. She will do absolutely unbelievable things. What defense attorney interested in ensuring the rights of the accused are respected takes money from the private prison industry? Kyrsten Sinema did just that.