Member since Sep 29, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Michael F Rivero on 09/29/2011 at 9:57 AM
    Re: “Serraglio
    I was a speaker at one of the many 9-11 events in New York earlier this month. The theme of my presentation was that after ten years, there are aspects of the story we will never agree on. The time has come to unite around that which we DO agree on, which is that the US Government has lied to the people of the United States, and to decide what We The People will do with a government that lies to us.

    The Constitution does not authorize the government to lie to the people and the Tenth Amendment prohibits the government from arrogating that right to itself. When the government lies, it acts illegally and unconstitutionally. When the government lies, it ceases to be the legitimate government of this land.

    A government that lies to the people does not respect the people. They do not respect you as a human being and certainly not as an equal. You are merely assets, the crowd, the herd, the throng, to be managed and herded, not treated with honor and respect as you deserve.

    Ten years after 9-11, with the government's lack of repentance for the lies well-established, the next step is to decide what to do with a government of the liars, by the liars, and for the liars.