Member since Aug 12, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Thetaz51 on 08/12/2011 at 1:42 PM
    If I was a democratic possibilty I would really start to think . Prepare to tell the partisans exactly what you intend to do in office. You see 'Vote for me and I will set you free ' is no longer being listened to. The debate was the last straw for all those who think that now business will go on as always.People are now asking what do you intend to do to make things better. Cutting expenses does not mean cut everything in sight. We need jobs , bringing back our jobs from overseas is the only answer. I do not see everyone admitting Bill Clinton was wrong. We have had two decades of promisses of creating new jobs that was taken away when Government went after small business' in the 80's.Yet we still wait. Now everyone wants small business' to invest on what future . They have learned their lesson to well with Government holding back earned income taxes on money earned from their business. I know I was a victim after ten years of battle with the IRS who apparently became bigger than the Federal Government with so much power that only God could be jealous of. There will be a big change and that is not an over prediction. Even now the Dems. and the Publicans can not agree to disagree. So in fact there will be many new faces on the hill. The problem I see is all we are doing is just changing hands from one idiot to another idiort.With both parties looking out for their own interest. Both parties had better start listening because this is the secondary stage of a new type of revolution.
    #1 One idea is to shut down the educational system for ten years and then restart with a new frame of mind. Leaving the parents responsible for teaching the children. This will give all parties including the children a chance to come back to the table with a new frame of mind and thought. The Government strips funds from the education now and soon what will be left will not be enough to teach the fundementals of ABC's yet alone adding or subtraction.
    #2 Cut Military spending for the next three decades and use what technologies we have developed until it is absolutely critical to replace. Getting old ships out of mothballs and revamping old aircraft until we build a possitive bank roll. We have the means of defending ourselves and should stick to our own borders and let the world see what it is like doing without our help. We can no longer afford to burden our people with the world's problems and then be chastized for it.This may be the time to act like the US before coming into WW 2. It may not be right but then again why should we be the only nation with a soul to think about it. Then we are usually first in spending money for humanitarian reasons and then we find out that the money was used for buying military goods , like in South affrica. Charity starts at home and it hasn't for a long time. Everyone encourages the US to take the lead and then stalls in thyeir efforts to commit.
    #3 all questions that can not be answered by the Senate and the Congress place on a national ballot . Let the American people answer these questions with a yea or nae vote. Then it is signed by the President with the majority of the people's vote. Whether they are for or against , the right answer will come from the majority not the minority.
    #4 for the need of oil find a way to mine all the way to the bottom of expired oil wells and syphon the remaining oil . We can then use the dried up oil well as a means of dumping our toxic waste , nuclear waste and non reusable generic waste. This may be more of a reasonable solution other than killing our ocean's with all this mess. In case no-one is noticing our fishing industry is suffering year after year with sometimes a big draught. It is time to clean our oceans and reinvest in this future. Food will start to become even more scarce.
    #5 it is time to think of another type of energy source , has anyone tried snashing a atom off the suns rays. I believe this would be a non-nuclear type of waste idea. I caught the idea watching a science program concerning the chasing of an atom around a ring in New Mexico. The idea was later explained on the issue of a light bulb burning out with sudden burst of energy. Then the narrator stated that if we can find a way to harness this energy that energy could provide enough energy for a small city for twelve to how many hours is unknown. The point is we are looking toward the future and not sacraficing our future with disaster. The disaster being the waste by product of nuclear crap.
    #6 it is time to stop paying farmers not to grow crops. We have so many poor people in our own nation that can not feed their children, I feel bad about Somalia , but what about the millions of people who now live on the streets with no food. No health care , no jobs and no means of protecting their family from harm . For our unpopular decisions .
    #7 It is time to reverse a James Carter bad piece of judgement. First of all for the Reagan's decision to remove the Debt ceiling control imposed by The crook Richard Nixon , who actually thought of America's greedy business' and protected the people by imposing a Debt Ceiling to keep inflation in check. Boy you idiots really thought you pulled the rug over evryone's eyes . You got rid of the Crook by snitching on him for things you fools continue to do now , so big business could get bigger profits. Reimpose the Debt Ceiling to get control over big business @ 6% , than pass legislation to force big business to cut the cost of living by 10% knowing big business will continue to raise prices on the 6% but in all reality you will have a 4% control rate .You keep demanding a price roll back until profits reach under a 100% range. Now for the most unpopular decision ; force the Banking industry to go back by restructuring their interest rates to a over all interest rate. Banks have to much power under their belts and they have way to much money and Europe knows this. It is funny how Europe has twice the problems of inflation than we do and yet our barrowing power has been down graded to AA+. The European Banks surely want a monetary system that will decrease their bad Banking habbits . This has gone on for centuries and will do so for many more centuries dragging United States Banking with them. China knows this and probably was offered a bigger piece of the pie by staying out of America's needs. If I was the President I would not loan or pull anyone's ass out of the burner . Let them burn and remember The US is no longer there as their personal bankers. Pay back is a BITCH. After all we have to help the world we now have to pull our ass' out of the fire and do it by ourselves. Don't blame us Mr. President if we no longer feel empathy for those in need. It's not there especially for China the benfactors of our jobs. Soon The United staes voters will make their judgement on you the Political figures who have not thought of us , the people you represent . You say you know what we want , why in the hell did you not ask with the for thought of not presumming . You should have insisted on what cuts the people wanted. Now that you can think you can play stupid and tell us that is what you said you wanted. The people may not always know what to say but believe me you played a bad roll in Politics . It will cost you. It is time to reconfigure our representitives and get them to be responsible for thier actions. It is time for a McCarthy to run amuck and investigate communistic behaviors. People , you have to ask these poeople and others running for office exactly what they intend to do to make things better. If all you keep on getting is we need change , run from this canidate because he or she is giving you the line ' VOTE FOR ME AND I WILL SET YOU FREE " . In case you have forgotten we have won our independance back in 1776. What are they teaching the kids in school , anything? For the rest of minority America , because he or she may be Black , Latino or a woman does not mean they are the promissed one . President O'Bama did not lie when he stated he was going to help the top ten percent of the population and said to hell with the other 90% .Now you have to ask yourself's if you want another 4 years of terror. If so then Vote for me and I will set you free. What little you may have will go to Big Business and then thats all she wrote. Inflation is not getting better but it will get worse. If you people do not know it we are going through , THE GREAT DEPRESSION #2. Think