Throw them out. When a person shows up at the Port of Entry to request Asylum, we can Choose to accept them; Or not. Those who broke our laws to be here entered with Criminal intent. Nobody should survive crossing outside the Port of Entry, the only reason anyone tries is our impotent lack of Federal Enforcement of the Laws as written. If they start shooting at the fence line, the invasion will stop and word will reach the Southern tip of South America within a week. Then, we can process those that come with Visas and Passports (An American walking south would be jailed right away). Mexico is funneling these people and profiting by doing so. Put up the fence and Guard the damned Border with Federal Military Assets they are able to "Secure" a perimeter without excuses like"It's more secure than ever". We have the technology to count every crossing everywhere but the Government won't tell us the actual numbers (for National Security reasons). It can be fixed.
Only those who comply with Immigration Law should be given consideration when the discussion on Immigration Reform takes place. Anyone knowingly commiting a crime in the process of attempting to "Immigrate" will select and choose the laws they will obey as Permanent Residents and make Lousy Citizens. Get in the back of the Line of people scrambling to join US. You have no "Birthright" other than to contribute to earn your position in this Society.
Those are the consumers here legally. the illegals in residence that are both illegal to count or verify their Citizenship of also contribute every time the Bambino's need some Milk, pay rent to many slumlords, etc. The Visitors / Tourists, every Dollar they bring back minimally offsets the money exported from our local economy daily. Illegal Immigrant Booo, Documented Alien Visitor who brings both, their money and documents, Yay.
One good Solar Flare can end it all but our real threat is Global Warming due to man's intervention? How Spiritual do yoou need to be to figure this one out, let alone your personal contribution to either end.
Until we close the windows there will be no reason to further open the doors. Killing a few at the fenceline will save untold tens of thousands and put an end to the free market trafficing of people and drugs across the border. The only reason we even have these problems is that it's easier to climb through the windows illegaly than to process legally. No Mas Muertes will be a waste of time if the Border gets sealed as it should. Ask a Soldier if it's okay that a few can "Slip through the Perimeter unchallenged", he'll remind you that it couldn't happen on his watch. Why is this the only Border on the Planet that can't be sealed?
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