Member since May 12, 2011



  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 03/26/2016 at 3:18 PM
    I like the idea of helping people who are not getting their needs met. I really like the idea of having community gardens so that people can learn to grow nutritious food themselves. I would like to see more community gardens in Tucson, especially in areas where food deserts exist. I know that in really challenged areas like Detroit, people have come together and formed community gardens to help relieve some of this burden. Maybe more churches and non-profits can help get those in place.
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 02/27/2016 at 6:00 PM
    Bottom line is rodeos are inhumane to farm animals and it would be very progressive for Tucson to move away from rodeos. At least the parts that do the roping and animal stunts.
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 12/24/2015 at 10:25 AM
    As an outsider living in a more moderate red state northeast of your fine state, some of the things I read about re: Az are downright frightening--in reference to its politics that is. Hope I am not getting off topic here, but when I read about another "nut-job" "luney tunes" senator from AZ--this one now heading up the education committee in the state Senate---I do question whether I (as an elementary teacher with about 15 years of experience in public schools) would ever want to or be able to teach in AZ. Yet, this scenario may indeed be an opportunity (should I even call it that) when my husband retires and I semi-retire from teaching in my state. We have property in Tucson and plan to make our way there eventually. I will still be young enough to teach and not old enough to actually live off of any pension I have acquired in my current state. The question is: can I even begin to imagine what it would be like to teach at TUSD if I decided to accept a position? Maybe we just need to retire in TX instead. Could the state of George Bush, Tom Delay and Ted Cruz actually be better?
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 10/13/2015 at 3:18 PM
    @ what again: There are many professionals that work in state or public positions. All police, firemen, city, county, state attorneys, politicians, public defenders, prosecutors, name a few. IN addition there are social workers, clerks, public health workers (including doctors and nurses), road maintenance crews that also are paid by the taxpayer. These professionals also have collective bargaining rights, a retirement pension etc. Teachers are only paid for 9 months of work so that is why they only work 9 months out of the year. They also take classes for continuing education and attend professional development during the non-contract days. This is b/c most schools are in session for 9 months instead of 12 months. Teachers have an ethical and legal obligation to educate all students that enroll in their particular school so teaching "undocumented" children is our legal obligation. If you want teachers to work 12 months out of the year then they will need to increase their salary and expand/change their contract days.
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 07/23/2015 at 7:54 AM
    Re: “Of Men and Wolves
    No mention of the politicians in both NM and in AZ who are trying to undo the Endangered Species Act for Mexican wolves as it has been undone in other western states including ID, MT and WY on wolves in those states.

    In addition, the best way to help the wolves increase population is to get rid of the "welfare cattle" on our public lands which are allowed grazing rights at a cost so low the public ends up subsidizing them b/c of all the environmental havoc they bring upon our public lands such as erosion, water pollution and destruction of ecosystems due to overgrazing. Our appetite for cheap beef is what has caused the demise of the wolf population.
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 07/03/2015 at 6:59 PM
    Re: “Guest Opinion
    Thank you larryd for the link and Prof Warnock for your work as well. Interesting read. So much history in Tucson that gets lost as the years pass.
  • Posted by:
    doggirl on 07/03/2015 at 1:29 PM
    Re: “Guest Opinion
    Do u have a direct link to the article--did a search and no results.