Member since Jan 1, 2020


  • Posted by:
    TIBURONA on 01/01/2020 at 5:02 PM
    I have had personal dealings with Beryl Baker.. She is a vile creature that will stop at nothing to get her way. She will make up lies and harrass people mercilessly to the extreme using slanderous and libelous methods. She has no shame or moral compass and doesnt belong anywhere near politics of any kind, especially any leadership role. I can, and will, provide documentation to back my allegation, if need be.

    Regina Romero may not be perfect, but as long as she isn't calling people's landlords making false and fabricated allegations, or writing letters to her peer's Primary Care Physician's office with wildly absurd accusations that they are being kidnapped and held against their will by their love interest, well then she has my vote over Beryl Baker.

    As for Beryl Baker, just because you have gotten away with your false claims and intimidation tactics in the past, it surely does not mean that you will continue to get away with it in the future. Your dead birds and human excrement left on my Lexus will not be tolerated. Pick and choose your battles wisely. I will not be pushed around by you or anyone else. My suggestion is to find a more productive hobby and have a wonderful New Year.