Member since Oct 17, 2010


  • Posted by:
    old tricks on 10/17/2010 at 5:44 PM
    Re: “The Family Man
    The real issue here is that someone in office is not representing what he claimed to be. Unfortunately, there are many people who would like to look beyond the fact that Rep. Daniel has claimed to be running for family values, when this in fact is not the first time that such issues have occurred between the family. Daniel has a scary record of violence, domestic and other, and he should be held accountable before he charges forward in the name of families. I was appalled the first time he ran, knowing too well his history, but am further saddened to know what has transpired at the expense of his loyal wife and child. We cannot forget that where the most important work is, is within our own small circles, and what we teach our children.
    I would be angry if I were Jeneiene, but I am ashamed that Daniel has been allowed to get this far politically when so many in the community knew too much of his history.