Member since Jul 28, 2010


  • Posted by:
    robertJgolden on 08/30/2010 at 12:42 AM
    Re: “Mexico City Blues
    Take a look at the "Guide for the Mexican Migrant". It is a realistic guide.
    If Mexican nationals followed these suggestions they
    would not cross the border without proper US visas and
    Mexican passports. That is why the book was written.

    Tucson business collect millions
    of dollars from Mexican nationals who come here to
    shop and are authorized by the US government to
    be her as visitors. These people carry US visas and
    Mexican passports, and yes, they follow the suggestions
    of the "Guide for Mexican Migrants" if they are smart.
  • Posted by:
    robertJgolden on 08/30/2010 at 12:31 AM
    Re: “Mexico City Blues
    Mexican workers in the United States without authorization have been exploited by Americans ever since the first one came here. They are paid lower than ordinary wages and never get health insurance or any other normal perk Americans get. They work harder than Americans because they need the money. When ever people are exploited shame should be heaped on the exploiters, not the victims. Mexicans without papers are helpless victims and they deserve much better because their work ethic is much stronger than the typical American's. Many of the other people who posted comments on this story are sad examples of uninformed individuals. And the most amazing thing is that Mexicans are friendly towards Americans who travel in Mexico. Any Mexican national who says Mexico does not have laws is ignorant of the facts. They have laws in Mexico. For example, you can not drink beer in public in Mexico, just like you can't drink beer in Public in America. Their immigration laws are very strict on Americans, just like our immigration laws are strict on them. College educated Mexicans are just like college educated Americans. It is obvious that some of the people who wrote comments on this story are not college educated because their viewpoints are too narrow and uninformed.
  • Posted by:
    robertJgolden on 07/28/2010 at 9:34 PM
    Re: “Guest Commentary
    Geoguy says that "Mexico is blessed with all of the natural resources and industrious people it needs to lift itself up from the mess they are in." This U of A video explains why Mexico is poorer than the United States; there are very real reasons why the USA offers more opportunity than Mexico :… . More cooperation between Mexico and the US would be good for both countries.