Member since May 7, 2010


  • Posted by:
    allamerican3 on 05/07/2010 at 1:57 PM
    Re: “Ask a Mexican!
    if you people would read the law before you open your mouth you would see that there is no mention about mexicans. it says illegal immigrants. there is no mention of any particular nationality. illegal means you were not born in that country. it doesn't make any difference what country you come from .if you go from the U.S. and go into any other country without proper documentation then you are there illegally and they have laws there also.why don't you try going to oh say canada and try crossing their border without a passport,or japan or any of the others, cross their borders without the required papers. you may or may not be heard from again. we aren't saying that you are not welcome to come to our country we just ask that you don't break our laws doing it. come here legally just like all of the others that come here. another reason that we need immigration laws will help to catch those that would love to come here to do us harm. the drug cartel are running rampent in mexico and we don't want that type of people here and the others like the terrorist that want to kill anyone that DO NOT believe the way they do. so how about you get off of this profiling nonesence and think about the conditions here. now about you mexican-americans that are here when the illegals come here they take your jobs and live off of your tax dollars. that's money taken out of your paycheck to pay for their welfare and medical care that is money you don't have for your families.this is a just law and you should welcome it. this country is a nation of laws and everyone needs to live by them. If we break the law we go to jail just the same as you do. now all i hear is how unjust our laws are if they are so unjust then leave and go somewhere where you don't have laws if you can find any.