Member since Mar 18, 2010


  • Posted by:
    IamENigma on 03/18/2010 at 8:04 AM
    I really love all the information I have been seeing on the net about the Coffee Party. Especially from those who don't seem to know anything about it. This does however, give us an idea of the finger pointing mentality that we are trying to overcome. It really reminds me of children who always claim "He did it" but never offer a solution. If you want to post about something you really should at least attend a meeting, to give your argument some credibility. If you would like to inform your self so you can at least make an intelligent argument, check out these websites, and it would also help to site your sources like a professional.
  • Posted by:
    IamENigma on 03/18/2010 at 7:54 AM
    I have found our local chapter of the coffee party to be genuine. Real Tucsonans who want to effect change through intelligent discussion. Some people fear an intelligent conversation, knowing that they can't keep up. Although the neo-con Tea Party claims that we are a left wing movement, I have found that we are actually made up of several different sides of the spectrum. From left to libertarian, to progressive, and even including some right wingers. The idea isn't to point fingers but to communicate in a civil manner on how we the people can get our power back with out all the anger and drama. If yoou would actually like to learn more, instead of ass-uming check our our local website.