Member since Jan 20, 2010


  • Posted by:
    samstar on 02/24/2010 at 2:27 PM
    Re: “Getting the Ax
    My father had a similar situation when working for Denny's. At Denny's you were guaranteed a $.50 an hour raise each year you've been with the company (generous, huh?).My father had been with the company for several years but apparently he had reached a point when making $8.50 was too much so the managers were pressured to find a reason to fire him. He was cited for 'improper placement of the garnish' on a plate during the Tucson Gem Show rush and improper box folding when throwing empty boxes away as well as a couple very minor things that would have been laughable, if he wasn't fired for them. Big corporations don't value loyalty anymore, employees are expendable nowadays, they will either replace them with machines, the cheapest labor possible or send the job to Asia. This is why customer service is so bad nowadays, why bother?
  • Posted by:
    samstar on 01/20/2010 at 6:24 PM
    Re: “Slashing the State
    This is all very dramatic, however I cannot see any other options. When a budget is in crisis there are only two options; spend less money and/or make more. Sadly Arizona needs to do both which is going to upset everyone. I don't like these cuts, or the tax increase but unless anyone has any bright ideas, drastic changes must be made. I just hope that the infrastructure of this state can take the strain.