Member since Nov 27, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Irescuedogs on 11/27/2009 at 1:55 PM
    I foster for one of the small rescue groups that take animals out of PACC and save them from euthanasia. I have been at PACC waiting to pick up a foster animal and have seen a seriously sick dog in a cage, so ill it was barely breathing (when I asked I was told they presumed it had distemper), and it just lay there in a cage in the receiving area. Other animals are coming and going in this area and could (and did) walk over to this severely sick dog and sniff it through the bars of the cage. This means that that dog could also get sick from doing that. No one seemed to have any concern over that or bothered to move the cage with the dog in it to a place out of the way of daily traffic in the receiving area. I wonder how long that dog laid there before it was put down and I wonder how many more dogs it potentially infected? I believe everything Ms. Coppens said because I've seen these things for myself. It is not her imagination.