Member since Nov 16, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Noman on 11/16/2009 at 7:34 PM
    Re: “No Justice
    IN Response to xochi who are you to condem someone for a mistake they made?
    I fully understand that a life was taken but how dare you say she is a horrible person, but excuse me i'm sure your perfect. They only thing worse then losing someone dear to you is being a good person with a great heart who killed them. You have no idea what a person like her had to suffer.She never complained because she knew she has caused irreversible damage a great officer, a hero was lost but if that was your child or cousin or niece or even friend, you would not speak so harshly, you would awknowledge that she did make a bad mistake.A horrible choice but who are you to completely judge her? That is up to God.