Member since Sep 14, 2009


  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 10/18/2012 at 10:55 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Having no exposure other than name recognition, I eagerly awaited the debate between Carmona & Flake. What a disappointment! The primary issue of this election is the economy/deficit/debt. I fault KUAT for not asking any questions on these issues. I know politicians don't want to talk about this, but until joulnalists pin them down, we the citizens get nothing. The Senate has not passed a budget in 4 yrs & will be key to the fiscal cliff. The debate seemed more like free tv ad for Carmona to bash Flake. Anything else was typical talking points any competent high school student could do. What a waste of my time.
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 03/01/2012 at 3:08 PM
    Re: “Downing
    Shame, shame on you. I suggest you read the Supreme Court's document before you write this blather. The Citizens United petition only dealt with a specific instance of gov't censorship. In deciding in favor of C U, the Court, on its own volition, decided to re-visit prior precedent cases regarding campaign money & free speech. That had nothing to do with C U. And just what does the GOP primary have to do with network tv content? I only remember one add aired a few times. Your remote control does have a mute button. I'll use mine when the Obama garbage hits the airwaves.
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 08/05/2011 at 2:27 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    Please stop the political pandering bs. Keynesian principles, Regan, Clinton have little to do with today's economical malaise. Deleveraging of debt has a clamp on demand around the globe. It takes time to solve. Academians have been warning all along & still on track forecasting 3-5 years to go. US household debt is DOWN to 116% of after-tax income. Jobs? What company is going to hire unless there's an increase in demand for it's goods or service? Both R's & D's will continue to spit out their sound bites "elect us, we can solve the problem". Both know, or should know, that gov't can't; there's not enough currency at US Treasury nor ability to print it. Who wants WW III to solve the problem.
    Bob Johnson
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 07/15/2011 at 9:22 AM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    Depressing yes, but it is reality. Politicians never envisioned the day they couldn't raise revenue to pay for all the goodies they promised. We were conned into spending the rainy day fund when we need it most now. I'm weary of all the hurt stories to politicise a basic economic problem. Always the allusion that some where is the pot of gold that hasn't been tapped. Adding jobs requires increasing demand; demand requires the ability to pay. Household debt is now DOWN to 116% of after-tax income. Where's the ability to pay more? Jobs of course, but jobs require demand. That's why every AZ economist predicts we're few years away from stability. No more cons, no more political sound bites.

    Bob Johnson
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 05/05/2011 at 2:53 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    We have a monetary solution; it's called Budget Override. Yet look how many have been defeated in the last few years. So, instead of ranting on state legislature, try berating property owners in school districts that defeat overrides. Every tax dollar, whether levied by city, county or state, eventually comes out of our wallet. Corporations do not pay taxes! It's a cost of doing business like rent, utilities, etc. The higher cost comes out of my wallet. maranabob
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 03/04/2010 at 6:35 AM
    Re: “Guest Opinion
    I suggest you obtain a copy of the ruling,, & read what ruling was really about. Enough with the sound bites. It's Federal elections only & deals with "electioneering communications", not direct campaign contributions. Disclosure & disclaimer rules were upheld. I really don't expect to see a tv ad by, say IBM, for or against a candidate. Ruling didn't involve PACs & will continue to route of choice for anonymity. Marana Bob
  • Posted by:
    marana bob on 09/14/2009 at 2:46 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Re: Sept 4 AZ Illustrated comment about health care Town Hall mtg... "keep gov't out of my Medicare". FYI many, including self, get our benefits thru a Medicare Advantage plan operated by private insurer not gov't. I have full copy of HR 3200; IMO, it wants to eliminate the program. THAT was the message. There's a big disconnect between what the President says and HR 3200. Uninformed (humor?) commentary doesn't help. My continued viewing will be with a pinch of salt under my lip.