Member since Jul 30, 2009


  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 01/21/2016 at 11:31 PM
    Congratulations to Matt! I have had the pleasure of working with Matt in various settings and found him to be an attentive, thoughtful and solution driven individual, regardless of the circumstances. He will serve southern Arizona well in this capacity. His honestly will foster great trust among those he will represent. Good luck Matt. You'll do a great job!
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 08/07/2012 at 9:14 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Let's just remember that supporters of Miller are the same types who would vote for Romney, another person who doesn't understand how government is supposed to work. He should stay in the private sector and "create jobs" by shipping them out of the country.
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 06/13/2012 at 10:23 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Kirkpatrick has no business on the ballot pretending to be a Democrat. What's even worse is that the Democrat "leadership" supports a previous loser who betrayed many Democrat principles. The fact that the state Democrat leadership has lost its Democrat compass is enough to worry many Democrats. Important constituencies were betrayed by Kirkpatrick in a shameless way. She betrayed the Native American tribes, Hispanics with her support of 1070 and the unions with her silence as they have weathered a series of attacks. Locally, the party soft-pedalled TUSD then-President Stegeman as he championed policies that damaged AFSCME's bargaining position and allowed him to create an atmosphere of hate against Hispanic students and their Mexican American Studies program.

    Many Democrats might stay home in the Fall if Kirkpatrick wins against Wenona. We'll be watching as the Republican candidate kicks her butt again and she will betray Democrats no longer. Wenona will launch a primary campaign again in two years.

    I'd rather have a Republican in that office than a Democrat that will betray us. We will be taken for granted no longer.

    Signed, a pissed off Hispanic.
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 06/13/2012 at 10:06 PM
    Jesse Kelly was a scary candidate. The worse part of it was his unwillingness to answer questions related to his positions, including why he was taking money from racist organizations. That showed his true colors and the fact that 88 thousand people were willing to vote for him shows how screwed up that district is and the hate that exists.
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 06/05/2012 at 12:05 AM
    What a sick SOB. If he had any integrity, he would drop his campaign in favor of Ron Barber who has done wonders for hundreds of veterans who needed help with medical care and benefits, an area where Kelly is completely lacking in expertise.

    Kelly brings nothing to the table; no experience, no education, no accomplishments. Just feeding off of the government trough with recovery money from the federal government while at the same time he complains that the program even exists. Hypocrite!
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 06/04/2012 at 11:55 PM
    It is unfortunate that some businesses were not prepared for the construction. They should have taken advantage of the RTA's Mainstreet program that was funded by taxpayers to help businesses survive the construction.
  • Posted by:
    tucsonfan on 05/03/2012 at 12:05 AM
    Re: “Media Watch
    It must be all that honest and Christian living that got him where he is today. Methinks it was a bit of a reminder from above that he should treat his fellow man better than he has in the past. Don't tread on the Lord's children Jon. Because Justice can be swift!!!

    Glad you survived to be a better man. Hope you take advantage of that opportunity.