Member since Jul 25, 2009


  • Posted by:
    PrairieWolf on 07/25/2009 at 5:38 PM
    Re: “Forced Submission
    This is a gross miscarriage of justice, and I can't believe I am just reading about the original case. I agree that because the clerk is laughing during the 911 call, he knows not to take it seriously. She was harassed by the clerk, and then the government conducted a witchhunt. Who hasn't been frustrated enough to curse at a stupid post office employee? During the medieval witchhunts, this is just the sort of person who was targeted - an ornery old woman who wouldn't toe the line but who was essentially harmless - all bark and no bite. This really makes me fear for our country, that we could allow something so despicable. And I do hope those disgusting PO employees who sicced the govt dogs on this old woman reap the nasty karma they have sown, in spades.