Member since Jul 16, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Karen Falkenstrom on 07/16/2009 at 3:05 PM
    Re: “Mailbag
    Dear Weekly folks,

    I just got back from a trip and one of my students alerted me to Paul Gattone's letter. Actually, I guess the criticism is about words I chose, not the article. I've emailed a reply, which I hope--since Paul has chosen to tongue-lash me publicly--the Weekly will publish to set the spirit and the story straight. I thought I should put a note online also:

    To me, "stubborn white guy" is an expression of affection and admiration for Morgan. His grit and drive are why Tucson has both Paul's kendo kai and any taiko group at all. Why would the obvious facts of his being stubborn and white seem like a bad thing?

    I live and practice in the USA. I have never pretended to be Japanese, nor am I going to pretend I understand or want to adhere to the the culture's most rigid etiquette. I do what I can, but it has to be honest. Morgan was my teacher and friend; I admired what was great about him and practiced compassion for the less-than-great part. I loved him, and his illness and losing him broke my heart.

    It's a shame that Paul decided to vent spleen in the Weekly and not write me directly with his concern. If he had, he'd learn his ire is misguided; I am one of the most ardent proclaimers of Mr. Morgan's gifts to the North American taiko community, and have, in all possible instances shared and maintained knowledge of his legacy with the ever-growing taiko community.

    If Paul wants to mis-interpret three out-of-context words in favor of acknowledging my 8 years of furthering Morgan's teachings, that's his business..., unless, of course, he does so publicly.

    So, I'm writing.

    Karen Falkenstrom